
Marcus Goldson - Budapest minden részletével

2012. november 02. - ruttnerkata

Marcus Goldson brit művész, 1993 óta él Budapesten. Akvarell és olajfestményeket fest, számos képe van, amelyek Budapest különböző arcait ábrázolják.
Goldson azt mondja hosszasan figyelte a főváros különböző helyszíneit, az embereket, a nüansznyi különbségeket, mert mindenképpen aprólékosan kidolgozott részletgazdag képeket akart alkotni. 
Olyanokat, amelyek beszélnek. 
A képek, notesz, táska és képeslap formájában is megrendelhetőek a művész honlapjáról. 

At the end of the post, you can read it english too.

Nagy piac





Balaton Arcadia

Castro Bistro, 

Fucking miserable

Although I originally trained as a sculptor, I turned to watercolours at about the time of my move to Budapest (1993). It is a versatile and very portable medium and I associated it with travel, especially when I saw the works of J.M.W. Turner, David Roberts, Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent. The majority of my works are in watercolour but I occasionally work in oil, like the above self-portrait, done a long time ago (in a swimming cap) and I sometimes wonder why I don’t do more work in this medium. Maybe I will!

I moved to Budapest in 1993 and as a foreign artist in a foreign country I obviously became interested in depicting the things I found different about the place. I pay a lot of attention to details in my Budapest pictures, because it is important to the narrative of the picture. A lot of places can generally look much the same as another, but if you put in details that are specific to the place, like people’s clothing, street signs, brands of cigarette, moustache styles, cafe etiquette etc. then you get a more complete picture and it shows a specific place at a specific time.

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